Five poets in Mirrors and Windows/ 镜子与窗户, two from Canada and three from USA, will each talk about or read their poems/stories about Cultural Influences on Poetry and Translation.
Saturday, January 22, 2022, 19:00 (EST)
Live Zoom Meeting Host: Sureway Cultural Services
Co-host: Chinese Professionals Association of Canada
Poets’ biographies:

Joseph Fasano is the author of four volumes of poetry including Vincent (2015) and The Crossing (2018). His novels The Dark Heart of Every Wild Thing was named one of the “20 Best Small Press Books of 2020,”. His honors include the Rattle Poetry Prize, the Cider Press Review Book Award, and a nomination for the Poets’ Prize, “awarded annually for the best book of verse published by a living American poet two years prior to the award year.” His writing has appeared in The Times Literary Supplement, The Yale Review, The Southern Review, Boston Review, Missouri Review, Measure, Verse Daily etc. He serves on the Editorial Board of Alice James Books, and he is the Founder and Curator of the Poem for You Series, which can be found online. He teaches at Columbia University and Manhattanville College.

Lois P. Jones’s work won honors in the 2021 Bridport Poetry Prize and is forthcoming in the Bridport Poetry Anthology. She was a winning finalist for the 2018 Terrain Poetry Contest judged by Jane Hirshfield. Other awards include the 2018 Lascaux Single Poem Prize, the 2017 Bristol Poetry Prize judged by Liz Berry and the Tiferet Poetry Prize. Jones has work published or forthcoming in Poetry Wales, Plume, Guernica Editions 2021, Vallentine Mitchell of London – 2021, Verse Daily, and Narrative. Jones’ first collection, “Night Ladder” was published by Glass Lyre Press in 2017 and listed for several awards. Jones is the poetry editor of Kyoto Journal and a reader for the Kingsley-Tufts Awards.

George Elliott Clarke is an internationally revered poet—with titles in Chinese, Italian, and Romanian; awards from Canada, the U.S., and Romania; poetry recitals given at festivals in Finland, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Malta, Mexico, Romania, Russia, Scotland, Slovenia, Spain, etc; and service-to-poetry rendered as the 4th Toronto Poet Laureate (2012-15) and 7th Parliamentary Poet Laureate of Canada (2016-17). His 25 poetry works to date include opera libretti, verse-novels, verse-bios, verse-drama, narrative-lyric suites, epic poesy, and lyric collections. He is also a SOCAN-registered songwriter.

Anna Yin was Mississauga’s Inaugural Poet Laureate (2015-2017) and has authored five collections of poetry and one collection of translations: Mirrors and Windows (Guernica Editions) in 2021. Anna won the 2005 Ted Plantos Memorial Award, two MARTYs, two scholarships from USA and three grants from Ontario Arts Council etc. Her poems/translations have appeared at Queen’s Quarterly, ARC Poetry, New York Times, China Daily, CBC Radio, Literary Review of Canada etc. She has designed and hosted various Poetry Alive workshops with multimedia since 2011 and they have been well received in classes in person and online.

Rebecca Foust is the author of three chapbooks including The Unexploded Ordnance Bin, winner of the 2018 Swan Scythe Chapbook Award and four books including Paradise Drive, winner of the Press 53 Award for Poetry. A new book, ONLY, is forthcoming from Four Way Books in Fall 2021. Recognitions include the 2020 Pablo Neruda Prize for Poetry judged by Kaveh Akbar, the CP Cavafy and James Hearst poetry prizes, a 2017-19 Marin Poet Laureateship, and fellowships from The Frost Place, Hedgebrook, MacDowell, and Sewanee. Recent poems are in The Cincinnati Review, The Hudson Review, Narrative, Ploughshares, POETRY, and elsewhere.
Thank the League of Canadian Poets (LPC) and Chinese Professionals Association of Canada (CPAC)
Our past event with the CPAC : East Meets West- Mirrors and Windows reading night, Oct 29, 2021 (recorded video)