Poetry and Translation with Anna Yin, I am nobody, 星子有话说– 诗歌创作和翻译漫谈

湖畔沙龙:诗歌创作和翻译公众讲座 (7月17日, 2021)
主讲诗人:星子安娜 主持: 诗人古土。

Hu Pan School invited Anna Yin to share her processes of writing poetry and translating poetry. Host: Poet Gu Tu (诗人古土)Speaker: Anna Yin (Language : Chinese)

George Elliott Clarke Presents 5 Poets Breaking into Song

A night with poetry, music and songs by 5 poets, 4 composers and 2 singers with former Canadian Poet Laureate and wide audience!

The Poets: Ayesha ChatterjeeGiovanna Riccio, Lisa Richter, Andrea  Thompson, Anna Yin

The Composers, Singers, & Pianist: Emily HiemstraDavid Jaeger, Juliet Palmer, James Rolfe, Karen Usha, Gao Yuan, Mark Harry,

Hosts: George Elliott Clarke and Yang Wang (May 14, 2021)

Thank Sponsors: George Elliott Clarke, League of Canadian Poets, East and West Learning Connections.

Read the beautiful summary by George Elliott Clarke

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