Welcome to October, 2024…. Anna Yin will complete MAC grant project soon and will have two other events: Poet in Class and 6 poets reading at Toronto public library. Thanks Mississauga Arts Council, Poetry In Voice / Les voix de la poésieThe League of Canadian Poets. Sureway Press will have another book of translations (After Midnight/子夜过后)ready for Thanksgivings.
ISBN/国际书号: 978-1-998911-04-2 Book Design/诗集设计: Anna Yin (星子安娜) Book Cover/封面设计:Oliver Yang(杨鸿)
Poet: Katherine L. GordonTranslator: Anna Yin
After Midnight is a collection of poems that reflect some vibrant years of discovery, observation and experience of what being alive in this vast sea of life really means for each of us, as we seek a place in a huge and complicated universe. Some of it is lonely, some of it so intimately connected with all natural phenomena that we are never truly alone.
We mature into connection: a moon-beam caught on the path, a leaf before winter in our hand, a rose opening in wonder, a heart that beats with wind and water murmur. The closer we draw to the miraculous world we are all born into, the more part of cosmic motion we are bound to feel. It is the only antidote to that anxiety of separation, the only comfort in love gone astray, health disappeared, hope a spark that needs fanning.
All of us fade into other star-fields, our words, art and music may remain, though it may be “after midnight” that they appear to us. Katherine L. Gordon, tumultuous year of climate and history, 2024
KATHERINE L. GORDON : MOON PASSION IN THE SHIFT OF EARTH VIDEO AND MUSIC BY EVAN GORDON This is a poem for Dylan Thomas Day 2024 which won a price in Italy. Katherine also won 2024 IL MELETO DI GUIDO GOZZANO poetry contest the SECOND PRIZE.
Anna Yin spent two months to travel to Japan, mainland China and Taibei, she has shared her poetry and translations while there. Here are reports about ten of her major events during her trip. Congratulations!
We are glad to receive some fine submissions and the following are selected and Congratulations to Pratap Reddy, Serina Lewis & Ding Rui. Thank you all for participation.
In Don Gutteridge’s Starlight Tapestry, Anna Yin presents a superb group of poems full of ripe wisdom from a poet who has played a central role in Canadian literature for more than fifty years. And she contributes to Chinese poetry with her translations of Gutteridge’s work and vision. Gutteridge is a poet of “the loving lustre of our life / together”. His is a world that is “always / a burled beginning, all feel / and sense and tendrill’d touch.” The poet’s veneration for all good things that he encounters is vividly displayed in this collection.
—A. F. Moritz
Don Gutteridge is a Canadian author of 70 books: fiction, poetry and scholarly works; one of his poetry books was a finalist for Governor General’s Literary Awards in 1973. He taught at Western University in the Department of English Methods. He is now professor emeritus and lives in London, Ontario. 唐·古特里奇是加拿大作家,出版了70本书:小说、诗歌和学术作品,诗集1973年曾入围加拿大总督文学奖。唐·古特里奇在西安大略大学英语方法系任教多年。
Congratulations on the huge success of Poetic Drama discussion event. Here is the news report from World Chinese Weekly(世界华人周刊). SureWay Cultural Services was glad to co-host with Canadian Society of Int’l Performance Arts (加拿大戏剧表演艺术学会) and World Chinese Weekly (世界华人周刊). Zhou Jun is a fine Chinese writer who has applied the ancient Chinese creation myth to the modern issue of effects on human life of artificial intelligence and the challenged role of motherhood. Anna Yin was asked to translate this poetic drama and finished translating it in Aug, 2022. In Sept, Mr. Han Chanfu invited Anna to share her work for his writers’ group in Vancouver. Anna recommended the drama. It was appreciated by the group and it was decided to present the work with support from SureWay Cultural Services. The event went very well. It was a fun, intriguing and educational night. There were many interesting and profound discussions. Chinese theater club members in Vancouver performed part of the drama, Anna also shared the trailer of David Stones’ One Man show and Anne Carson’s Show from YouTube, as well as Terry Barker and Anna’s reading from her translation to engage the audience. The event lasted two hours with many participants involved. We thank the League of Canadian Poets for the support. Click here to read more texts from the drama in Chinese and English.