My friends–and comrade poets/translators:
Anna Yin’s editorship of Mirrors and Windows (just published), an INTERNATIONAL anthology of poems that she has translated from English into Chinese and from Chinese into English is a landmark–an exquisitely rendered, intellectual/artistic touchstone–for the continued conversation between English (Canadian) poets and those of China that she has been singlehandedly enhancing (on the Canadian side) for at least a decade now.
Anna’s Poundian contribution to our mutual enrichment is graced spectacularly by poet-publisher Michael Mirolla of Guernica Editions, who not only agreed to publish this significant volume, but has graced it with a memorably elegant, yet plain cover–like the moon-over-water that so besotted Li Po. Once again, Guernica has served notice that it is an international heavy-hitter.
We are so lucky to have this unprovincial press in our literary culture–just as we are lucky to have the pioneering, cosmopolitan sensibility of Anna Yin uniting Occident and Orient via East-West Poems in Translation (which is the subtitle).
Not to be political, I will say that I think this kind of outreach and intellectual community is urgently needed at a time when anti-Asian racism has reared its very ugly head and also at a time when Western vs. China/Russia rivalry has given rise to some pseudo-warmongering, particularly from the West.
But I don’t stress that. I stress that this book is a fine achievement. Please consider ordering copies. AND let us extend this model to other translation anthologies of other Canadian ‘multicultures.’
Blessings to Anna & Michael!

Triumphant creativity to us all!
George Elliott Clarke
4th Poet Laureate of Toronto (2012-15)
7th Parliamentary Poet Laureate of Canada (2016-2017)
朋友, 诗人和翻译同仁,
安娜的庞德式的奉献推进了东西文化的彼此丰富相互弘扬,得到诗人兼出版商、格尔尼卡出版社的迈克尔-米罗拉强力支持,他不仅同意出版这本重要的书,并且为它设计了令人难忘的优雅而朴素的封面– -就像让李白深爱的月之于水面。格尔尼卡再次展现一个国际重量级作品。
请考虑订购。让我们把这种模式扩展到加拿大 “多元文化 “的其他翻译选集。
(trans by Anna Yin)