RicePaper has published Anna Yin poem: Monkey King.
Category: Canadian Poetry
Call for haiku submission, and photos for our previous events
Call for haiku submission to be included in Here and Now, Discover Mississauga and More eBook publication (editors: Anna Yin and Hans Jongman), Please send 1 -5 haiku to [email protected] before the deadline Sept 1, 2022, Publication date Oct, 6 2022. We are also calling for haiku based on the photos we provided at the link.
(Copyright belongs to the poet, but we ask for free to use on our website, eBook, and the event and workshops etc. Thanks)
Photos at the Japan Festival at Celebration Square in Mississauga on Aug 20. 2022.
Feedback from our participants for our online haiku workshops:
I am grateful for the opportunity to attend Anna Yin’s haiku writing workshops. Her passion for poetry is infectious and she works tirelessly in promoting this art form in the City of Mississauga. She’s very generous in sharing her expertise with others. In the short period that I worked with her as a mentor, I’ve learned so much and am looking forward to more. — Maria LaGarde
This is the second time I’ve attended one of Anna Yin’s workshops and each time I learned a great deal about modern English haiku. For someone just beginning to explore the genre, I found her instruction to be invaluable. In this session we were challenged to explore each other’s work, to discover what worked, what didn’t and why. I feel this deeper understanding will aid me immensely in strengthening my own haiku. —— Sally Quon
More feedback please check here. &&&&&& To find out more about this project, one of 2022 MAC MicroGrant Winning Programs, please click here.
Haiku walking tour at River Wood Garden and More
We had a great time for haiku walking tour. The participants enjoyed their experience and each wrote nice work. July 9 will be online haiku workshop, then July 23, 2022: haiku virtual walking tour at art gallery of Mississauga +On line Workshop. You all are welcome to join! Free charge. Thank all our sponsors! Check more photos.
The Spirit of Poetry Across Ontario Updates
Readings by Poet Laureates across Ontario in celebration of National Poetry Month 2022.
Now the video is uploaded for watching.
Al Moritz – Toronto
Randell Adjei – Province of Ontario
Jessica Outram – Cobourg
Anna Yin – First Poet Laureate of Mississauga
Richard M. Grove – Brighton
Jason Heroux – Kingston
Richard-Yves Sitoski – Owen Sound
Victoria Butler – Barrie
Thomas Leduc – Sudbury
Albert Dumont – Ottawa (Anglophone)
Gilles Latour – Ottawa (Francophone)
Sarah Lewis – Peterborough
Alex-Andrei Ungurenasu – Windsor
Ayomide Bayowa/Current Poet Laureate of Mississauga
Former Poet Laureate Paul Edward Costa – Mississauga
Poetry Seeds was selected for the LCP’s chapbook: On the Storm / In the Struggle: poets on survival
New York First Line #6 is available
First Line has published many fine Chinese poets. Thanks editors’ all wonderful work, #6 is available to order online. This issue includes Anna Yin’s two new Chinese poems and two new translations, one for Dr. Armand Garnet Ruffo.

Anna Yin’s Haiku project won a MAC’s 2022 MicroGrant

Former Mississauga Poet Laureate Anna Yin’s Haiku workshops will combine in-person walks and virtual writing workshops focusing on building creative and resilient communities. The first nature walk starts June 25, 2022 and the workshops run throughout the summer. Please check the detail and how to register.

Anna Yin’s 24 haiku inspired by Neville G. Poy & Vivienne Poy’s Precious Moments
To celebrate National Poetry Month & Asian Heritage Month, Anna Yin wrote 24 haiku that were inspired by Neville G. Poy & Vivienne Poy’s beautiful photography book: Precious Moments. Please check the video to find more about Poys’ wonderful book! Some of them will be used at Anna Yin’s school and community haiku workshop programs. Thanks Dr. Vivienne’s permission!
spring again…
magnolia trees
turn sky pink
cool morning air
along Muskoka trail
spider’s web shines
tapping from woodpeckers
sudden splash from the beaver
as hikers turn
loons’ calling
scattered diamonds on the lake
the sun rises
in Vivienne’s still pose
a red fox passing her—
a still rock
on the top of
the green glass lake
canoe gliding by
pause for new bud
squirrel in its praying pose
shutter clicks
the red rose’s hues:
Neville’s exact lens
fawn visiting
Poys pray flowers be spared
behind a green wall
children’s laughter
rises from gooseneck loosestrifes
horizontal rainbow…
whose brush splashes
this colorful scarf?
summer sunset
diving through swimming rings
mallard ducklings
heat waves
hovering over red crocosmia
hummingbirds whizz
pink water lily
mirroring herself…
full moon night
claiming their crab apples
mother bear and her cubs
up and down Poys’ trees
in fall winds
butterflies flit
among mums’ blooms
autumn lake view
by Poys’ cottage
free oil paintings from masters
floating in the wind
milkweed seeds…
someone’s love story?
ritual for life…
arranging dried peonies and hydrangeas
in hollowed logs
through bare branches
a pink moon rises
beyond the dusky ravine
fluffy snow
Vivienne, a child again…
the gentle touch of snowflakes
tracks in snow
mixed footprints
from un-invited visitors
Christmas party
outside the Poys’ cozy home
glittering ice crystal
up high the sunroom
blooming geraniums
and the family’s winter spirit
Anna Yin : 2022/04/30
Anna’s other two poems for Dr. Vivienne Poy:
Reading Vivienne Poy’s Passage to Promise Land (2013) and The Family Tree (2015)
Brief guide to haiku:
Poem in Your Pocket Day 2022
Today is Poem in Your Pocket Day! Celebrate by carrying a poem & sharing it with others throughout the day!
This year’s Poem In Your Pocket Collection features poetry by: Ashley Elizabeth Best, Jaclyn Piudik, Keith Inman, Maureen Hynes, Bänoo Zan, Angela Cen, Callista Markotich, Harry Posner, Mark Kim, Annick MacAskill, Amy LeBlanc, Frances Boyle, Anna Yin and Marlene Grand Maitre.
These poems are also available as audio recordings and a printable booklet. To print and share from your home, check out the 2022 Poem In Your Pocket Day Booklet from LCP.
The Spirit of Poetry Across Ontario reading event (April 21)
Readings by Poet Laureates across Ontario in celebration of National Poetry Month.
Apr 21, 7:00 p.m. – 8:30 p.m. EDT Virtual on Zoom
Al Moritz – Toronto
Randell Adjei – Province of Ontario
Jessica Outram – Cobourg
Anna Yin – First Poet Laureate of Mississauga
Richard M. Grove – Brighton
Jason Heroux – Kingston
Richard-Yves Sitoski – Owen Sound
Victoria Butler – Barrie
Thomas Leduc – Sudbury
Albert Dumont – Ottawa (Anglophone)
Gilles Latour – Ottawa (Francophone)
Sarah Lewis – Peterborough
Alex-Andrei Ungurenasu – Windsor
Ayomide Bayowa – Current Poet Laureate of Mississauga
Former Poet Laureate Paul Edward Costa – Mississauga
Watch Replay: Poem in Your Pocket Day Reading at Atwater Poetry Project (April 19)

Tuesday, April 19, 2022 from 7:00 to 8:15 pm EDT
Poem in Your Pocket Day at Atwater Poetry Project
To celebrate Poem in Your Pocket Day/ La Journée du poème à porter, readings by poets Andrée Levesque Sioui, Anna Yin, and Bänoo Zan, with guest host Marcela Huerta.
In partnership with La poésie partout and the League of Canadian Poets.