反歧视诗歌与翻译分享:星子安娜论诗歌创作 (Report in Chinese by 康龄中心宣传组/ 2023/01/30)
Category: Canadian Poetry
the Arts for Business Directory 2022-2023 from Mississauga Art Council
MAC’s Arts for Business Directory is a roster of professional performers, musicians, visual artists, instructors, photographers, and more. Anna Yin’s services: Poetry for Health and Harmony in this collection are available for corporate events and communities to connect people with nature and their own creativity. For details, please contact Anna! Happy Holiday Seasons!

Video of Poets & Painters-Arts in Translation: Armand Garnet Ruffo, Yan Li and Anna Yin on Dec 9, 2022
Thank you all for joining us for a special event. Thanks Dr. Ruffo and Yan Li for sharing their work and knowledge. The video is ready! We wish you all a happy and healthy holiday season and a great new year!
This is a part of Anna Yin’s project: To explore poetry/painting from Indigenous and Chinese sources with analyses and translations for cross-cultural bridging. We thank the Canada Council for the Arts and CPAC for support!

Join us for an intriguing event: Poets and Painters-Arts in Translation on Dec 9, 2022

We will also preview works will be published by Queen’s Quarterly winter 2022, Epoch Poetry Quarterly in Taiwan (创世纪诗刊 2022)冬季刊。

This is a part of Anna Yin’s project: To explore poetry/painting from Indigenous and Chinese sources with analyses and translations for cross-cultural bridging. We thank the Canada Council for the Arts and CPAC for support!
Mississauga Arts Council features our haiku project as a “MicroGrant Success Story”
We thank MAC, all sponsors and participants! Click the image to read more. Feedback can be viewed here!
Glad that the project was mentioned in Japan

A great success and a splendid event for 10th Anniversary Edition Poetry at the Manor!

Poetry at the Manor – Vol. 10 was a great event to celebrate the milestone tenth anniversary of the beloved event, which returned to an in-person format at Willistead Manor in Walkerville. This year’s line-up included Anna Yin (inaugural Poet Laureate for Mississauga), Richard-Yves Sitoski (Poet Laureate for Owen Sound), Micheline Maylor (Poet Laureate Emeritus for Calgary), and Sarah Lewis (past Poet Laureate for Peterborough). Thanks Windsor’s talented team and Marty Gervais!
10th Anniversary Edition Poetry at the Manor
Release: Here and Now, Discover Mississauga and More eBook is ready for free download
We are happy to announce Here and Now, Discover Mississauga and More project has successfully completed. Special thanks to Mississauga Arts Council for awarding me a MicroGrant and our other generous sponsors: the League of Canadian poets, Sureway Press, Triple J Canada Consulting Inc, Kaideed International Education Service and the Elite3 Realtor Team. Here is our short video, I hope you enjoy our free eBook by clicking the book cover below!!!
If you cannot view the above video on YouTube, you can watch it here:
HUB Creative Talks with Anna Yin, Poet & Author
Watch MAC latest edition of HUB Creative Talks! Sherri Murray, MAC’s Communications Producer met with accomplished poet and author, Anna Yin to chat about her life-long achievements such as being Mississauga’s Inaugural Poet Laureate from 2015-2017, some favourite moments in her career so far, her writing process, and more information on her poetry workshops. She also chats with us about her new Haiku project, Here and Now, Discover Mississauga and More, that recently won a MAC MicroGrant!
Hans Jongman’s new haiku book is ready!