Congratulations to 19 Mississauga Artists who won MicroGrant for Spring 2023 projects (MAC)

Anna Yin will start her project in June 2023: Creating a reflective film to foster cultural values
Project that fuses poetry and public art in a collaborative film. She will team with Roy Marques, Sarah Hei and other artists/participants for this short film project. She thanks MAC, AGM, Triple J Canada, Kaideed Education and other sponsors!

This project will start in June teamed up with a core film team and plan to finish in Oct, 2023. During the filming process, Anna will invite the public to join us with activities (more will be released) to enrich connections with our city and our communities to further understand the role of public art in the history and cultural development of Mississauga. Currently we have received wonderful supports from local artists and sponsors (Anna’s sponsors from last year will continue their sponsorship).
It is a small low budge project. If any of you or your company would like to be involved with this project or sponsor it, please feel free to contact [email protected] Cheers. #project #film #publicart #sponsor

Anna Yin introducing LuoFu’s poems and poetry festival to Vancouver and then Canadian poets’ work to Taiwan

Epoch Poetry Quarterly (Taiwan) has more than 60 years history. Luo Fu was one of the founders and was a renown Chinese poet in the world. Anna has translated his poems in Mirrors and Windows (Guernica Editions 2021) Epoch Poetry Quarterly #215 published Anna Yin’s translations of poems by three Canadian poets: Liz Howard, Don Gutteridge, Armand Garnet Ruffo (in both original text and translations)

May’s featured poet: Don Gutteridge

Don Gutteridge is a Canadian author of 70 books: fiction, poetry and scholarly works, one of his poetry books was a finalist for Governor General’s Literary Awards in 1973. He taught at Western University in the Department of English Methods. He is now professor emeritus and lives in London, Ontario.


Don’s poetry collection with Anna Yin’s Chinese translation will soon be published by Sureway Press. Congratulations! Thanks Albert Moritz 牧辛 & R. G. Moyles for blurbs!
More poems by Don with Anna Yin’s translations are in Epoch Poetry Quarterly, New World Poetry etc. We will showcase more. Stay tuned!

Upcoming April free poetry events

Heartfelt: Custom Poetry Fundraiser for the LCP

Please consider requesting a custom poem for Valentine’s day! A great team of Canadian Poets offer spontaneous personal poems as gifts–for a great cause! Featuring Heartfelt 2023 poets: Cathy Thorne, Jim Nason, Antonia Facciponte, Michael Fraser, Sharon Lax, Josephine LoRe, Grace Ma, Vironika Wilde, Maureen Hynes, Susie Wheelehan, Anna Yin, Sue Bracken, Laura McRae, Sarah Tsiang and Kate Marshall Flaherty Details please check