Anna Yin’s Asian Trip was a great success

Anna Yin spent two months to travel to Japan, mainland China and Taibei, she has shared her poetry and translations while there. Here are reports about ten of her major events during her trip. Congratulations!

New Book to announce: What We Do Not Know by DC Reid, translated by Anna Yin

Another book of translations by Anna Yin will be published in Mar, 2024. The author of the book is DC Reid. DC is broadly known for extensive writing on in-ocean fish farms; neuroplasticity and extensive creativity mechanisms. He lives in Victoria, BC. Anna will introduce his work to broad Chinese communities. Recently, Anna’s translations of Reid’s poetry has been published in 新大陆诗刊 #200 in USA. Congratulations on Reid and Anna!

DC Reid is a Canadian writer and poet whose work lives in multiple disciplines: web-based video-poems, environment writing and novels. His poetry has won silver in the Bliss Carman Award twice and twenty-five other awards. DC里德是一位加拿大作家,诗人和小说家。获25项写作奖

Celebrating Live Encounters Poetry & Writing 14th anniversary

This new issue includes Anna Yin’s two poems, Don Gutteridge’s three poems, Terry Barker’s review of “Starlight Tapestry” (Poetry by Don Gutteridge, Chinese translation by Anna Yin) and other international fine poets and writers. Thank Mark Ulyseas and edictal team for the beautiful magazine (Live Encounters Poetry & Writing 14th anniversary)
Congratulations to all!