From Ernesto P. Santiago (Greece)
riding together
on a long arching path —
bleeding hearts
bike day —
through the lush green field
a heart to unwind
cycling countryside
smoother than unaged wine
this poet’s heart
moving in the wind
with tendrils of baby’s breath
two hearts and a bike
From radhamani Sarma (India)
walking together…
his friendly touch
with fast heartbeats
koel calls…
my walk beating with
too many rhythms
From Chen-ou Liu(Toronto)
heart-shaped flowers
I need nothing
but birdsong
a ponytailed girl
draws a heart in the sand …
rising sun
From Dorothy Mahoney
heart’s ease
the dog rolling in
spring grass
From Michael Dylan Welch (US)
she tells me
I’m her heart’s desire . . .
budding blossoms
at the gravesite
mother says something
about a purple heart
for sale
at the neighbourhood pawn shop
a purple heart
From Bryan Cook (Ottawa):
that second blip
on my chart
a heart-felt caution
veggies and
zero fat yogurt
heart healthy
without my banjo
my heart and
our grandfather clock
marking time
with her at the Odeon
goes my heart
her perfume
in my heart
From Angelee Deodhar(India)
Valentine’s Day-
he gives me a heart shaped
blood pressure pill
From FGSnow (China)
growing into love
my heart dances
in the sky

From Anna Yin (PCC)
Ride for Heart
new hope rises…
worries lifting
into the heart
of the city
how much I miss green
holding breath
under the dawning light
i too hear the heartbeats
old songs…
my heart goes on
along the moon river
the journey to home
beats of my heart
mother’s day
someone draws a heart
on the sandy beach
breaking news
she reaches for another pill
crowd after crowd
snapshots in cherry blossoms
the puppy’s cute turn
18th birthday
his first heartbeat
i still remember
From Jin Li (PCC)
5k to 75k
walking or biking
hearts for charity
shingles blown away
heavy heart up there
loyalty not shaken
from MOM to WOW
love and sacrifice
not only in literacy of the heart
From Leslie Yang (PCC)
the cherry blossoms
and my withered heart
cherry blossoms at dusk
selfie couple shaking the tree
petals snow in my heart
flowers bloom like songs
uni-verse touches my heart
with every rhythm
From Rolly Sanchez (PCC)
rushing river
running feet
hearts feel the beat
up and down the valley…
sweating and striving
for tomorrow’s ride
From Samar Javid (PCC)
wheel turns round…
in a cycle
detoxing our heart
From Cheryl Ashley (BC, Canada)
angels linger over hearts
in my garden
Sound of heart beats
In the fuchsia
From Sonia Saikaley (Ottawa)
my heart longs
spring mornings
sparrows sing
my mother cooks
heart and soul-soothing food
Sunday dinners
From Philomene Kocher (Ontario)
bus station musician
the sound hole of his guitar
shaped like a heart
just a glimpse
of the oriole
enough to make my heart sing
so many years
this recipe I know
by heart
From John B. Lee (Ontario)
one red fist
wrapped in silk for sparring
heart within the bone
From Honey Novick (Toronto)
rose blossoms…
hope in my heart
lights up the world
From Zhang Yi (Toronto)
a dozing moon
cricket songs fade
pounding heartbeats
From kj munro (Yukon, Canada)
I reside just outside the burrow that is your heart
waves pounding the sand
we ignore
our heart beats
From Marjorie Bruhmuller
the heart doctor
checking my ultrasound
a spectrum of sparks
From Patrick Connors (Toronto)
the heart keeps
pumping and pulsing
blood and life
the source of
life and love-
our flowing heart
From Leanne McIntosh (BC)
six sudden leaps
our hearts racing
pond frog
From Lara Beasley
facing each other
a heart shape
From anonymous (Toronto)
summer breeze…
my riding heart cheers
as you pass by
From Elena Naskova (USA)
curving hills
we walk to beat of our
palpating heart
change of heart …
an empty bird cage
in her bedroom
approaching you
rushing heartbeats
in my ears
my rattling heart
at heaven’s gateway…
Rattlesnake Ledge
hospital hallways
the sound of someone’s
winter night —
your rapid heartbeats
against my open palm
the room fills with
sound of heartbeats
everything starts
to begin and end––
the heart
of a morning
first song
the cry of geese
a beating heart hears
what it hears
the first cut
heals over
this sorrowing heart fading into plum blossom
fourteen summers
the glue remains
of a paper heart
magnolia moon
Fukushima needs petals
for everyone’s heart
wedding party
a mum carries a heart
on her handbag
the heartbreak of others
a plane’s contrail catches up
with a flight of rooks
the childing autumn
I forget heartbreak
stains to violets
From Astrid Egger (BC)
her smile ahead …
past the smoothie bowl
a trail of hemp hearts
women’s auxiliary building
year after year
bleeding hearts
her heart-shaped face
a sunflower mask
a heartfelt prayer…
cardiologist checks
his own pulse
*steady climb
ride for heart
on his sleeve
From Nika
on the wind
the scent of winter
my aging heart
scattered clouds
off in all directions
my lonely heart
skid row
asleep on the sidewalk
a broken heart
my tears
in your arms
our hearts beat
into winter
the depth of darkness
in my heart
broken hearted
patching it up
with time
racing the heart
I can’t beat
scent of roses
your heart
ripe cherries
your heart
of stone
love in gym
a muscle man eyed
on her heart
peppermint flavour
her breath
touches my heart
A Papa’s Heart
© Copyright by Roberta Monokroussos 5 6 18
My heart beats for my little
Loving gentle bird
rose blossoms of hope
live in my heart tenderly
mauve smiles light the world