星光织锦是加拿人诗人Don对诗以及先辈们的景仰,也是生活以及历史的珍贵写照。星子安娜为我们搭建另一种语言窗口去了解和欣赏,值得推崇!–辛牧 (《创世纪诗刊》主编)
In Don Gutteridge’s Starlight Tapestry, Anna Yin presents a superb group of poems full of ripe
wisdom from a poet who has played a central role in Canadian literature for more than fifty
years. And she contributes to Chinese poetry with her translations of Gutteridge’s work and
vision. Gutteridge is a poet of “the loving lustre of our life / together”. His is a world that is
“always / a burled beginning, all feel / and sense and tendrill’d touch.” The poet’s veneration for
all good things that he encounters is vividly displayed in this collection.
—A. F. Moritz
Don Gutteridge is a Canadian author of 70 books: fiction, poetry and scholarly works; one of his poetry books was a finalist for Governor General’s Literary Awards in 1973. He taught at Western University in the Department of English Methods. He is now professor emeritus and lives in London, Ontario.
Anna Yin was Mississauga’s Inaugural Poet Laureate (2015-2017) and has authored five poetry collections and a book of translations: “Mirrors and Windows”(Guernica Editions). Her poems/translations won awards and appeared at ARC Poetry, New York Times, Queen’s Quarterly, China Daily, CBC Radio etc. She teaches Poetry Alive. Her website: annapoetry.com